So far, so good over here in England. As beautiful as it is, nothing is more impressive to me than the friendliness of the people here. I have been trying to cook a bunch while I've been here and you can imagine my confusion in the markets. Mind you, I shop mostly at Whole Foods and Trader Joes in the States, so here, the grocery game is a bit different. I can't even tell you how many people have offered me assistance, even customers... "Can I help you find something love?" Or you accidentally brush by someone and in an instance they are saying, "Excuse me darling," or "I'm so sorry love."
I've always been an extra friendly person to strangers, so you can imagine my joy over this. I've also been overjoyed by these sights... Here are a few photos I've taken so far while I've been here:
//english sunset//
//chester cathedral//
//downtown chester//
//mom, in front of the house she grew up in//
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