
Summer Beet + Peach Salad

On Sunday I stopped at a cute little farm stand in Washington, somewhere along the 500E. The man told me that I had to try their peaches, so, since it sure had been awhile since I had my last peach, I obliged. On my drive back I started visualizing what was in my fridge and had a recipe "a-ha" moment. 

Beet salad anyone?

Summer Beet + Peach Salad
serves 2


1 package of beets or (2 fresh beets boiled and refrigerated) 
1 large peach
2 tablespoon chopped fresh mint
2 tablespoons crumbled goat cheese
Handful of raw walnuts (about 1/4 c)

For the dressing:

1 tablespoon olive oil
1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
1 teaspoon lemon
1 squirt of raw honey
Pinch of sea salt

*you can add more lemon for a tangier taste or more honey for a sweeter taste


Wash the beets, peach and mint thoroughly.
Chop up mint into small pieces
Slice the beets and peaches in cube like pieces

Mix together dressing and the peaches, beets, walnuts and mint into a salad bowl (make sure dressing mixed in well). 

Transfer to two plates adding the crumbled goat cheese on top and serve! 

How easy is that!? 

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