In all fairness, I did get to finally have a semi relaxing weekend, so its hard for me to complain this time. My mood and activities basically reflected this crazy Spring weather we are having up here. Rainy, sun, storm, showers, sun, clouds, hail, sun, torrential down pour, sun...
Friday night, movie date night.
Saturday morning called for sleeping in (which means until 7am). Followed by some coffee, a protein pancake and some good reading material.
Then, after a major butt kicking at the gym, my sister and I (and Poncho) headed out to Thousand Acres just outside of Portland.
Tyson and I then decided to knock out going to Ikea. Remind me to pass next time I think going to Ikea on a Saturday is a good idea! The only good idea about that place on a Saturday is getting an ice cream cone.
Oh, and our new bed frame... We still have to paint, but our new place is coming along, slowly but surely! It took me about an hour to figure out which frame I liked best. Ultimately, I liked the iron one because it felt like a bed in a B&B. So, that's my goal with our room... our mini B&B escape every time you are in there.
That was the weekend round-up! 5 more days until San Diego to see my parents and 80 degree weather this week in the PNW! And 44 more days until I get to say 'I do.' I really can't complain. Wishing you all the best week!
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